
2020 Year-end Financial Ideas

Convert Traditional to ROTH IRA money for TAX-FREE distribution in retirement AND to avoid RMDs – must be done by Dec. 31, NOT April 15 of next year. (May be subject to Federal, State and/or Local income tax.)

Fully fund ALL retirement accounts: 401Ks, 403bs, 457 plans, IRAs, SEPs and SIMPLES – Do you know the limits? If not PLEASE call me!

Are all your beneficiary designations in order? AND

Are all your Estate Plan documents in order? Call me for FREE templates.

Did you turn any of these ages in 2020?

50You may be eligible to make ‘catch-up’ contributions to an IRA or employer plan.
55You may be eligible to take a distribution from your 401K without being subject to the 10% early distribution penalty.
59 1/2You may be eligible to take a penalty-free distribution from your IRA and company plan.
59 1/2And you may be able to take tax-free distributions from your ROTH assuming it has been open at least 5 years.
62You may apply for Social Security.
65You may apply for Medicare.
72Must begin taking RMDs from IRAs and company plans but not ROTHs

If you would like more information or to discuss your financial concerns